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City of Enoch Downloads TikTok, Changes Mind About Reuniting with Earth

"On second thought," Enoch said. "We think Earth needs some more time."

After recently gaining access to TikTok, the City of Enoch has decided not to reunite with Earth just yet.

"Yeah, so ... uh ... we're gonna need more time," said Madruselah, City of Enoch council member.

When the TikTok App was finally made available to users in the City of Enoch, it was met with horror and disgust.

"So do people on Earth think that, like, lip syncing is some great talent?" one citizen said. "And are these girls aware that they are recording themselves? That total strangers are going to see them acting like this?"

After millennia of planning their return, Enochians are concerned for their children most of all.

"I'm not sure any amount of cleansing is going to purify that place, phew!" a concerned parent said. "Let's just let it ride a little longer."

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